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Curated by Skillshare

3 Classes (8 hours 6 minutes)

  • Materials

    Masking fluid, watercolor paint & brushes, Adobe Photoshop

  • Final Product

    2 seamless watercolor patterns to sell

  • Level


Master Masking Fluid in Watercolor Painting: 10 Days of Discovery

First up, flex your creative muscle and master an artist tool that is helpful for painting patterns: masking fluid. Think beyond the brush to achieve an array of different textures and effects using masking fluid. You'll learn which papers work best, the different drying stages, and how to successfully remove masking fluid after it’s dried.

Watercolor Without Fear: Painting for Pattern Design

Now that you've warmed up with a new advanced technique, learn the creative workflow of painting for pattern design. Practice finding inspiration, choosing a motif and color palette, and building a beautiful layout that's ready for print.

Watercolor a Seamless Pattern: Surface Design in Adobe Photoshop for Print-On-Demand

Go deeper into the technical workflow of digitizing and uploading your art for sale. Learn how to select and navigate print-on-demand sites, as well as strategies for making your art stand out in the crowded online marketplace.

Congratulations! You’re All Done.

You did it! You’ve completed the full Learning Path. We can’t wait to see where these skills take you next.