Blender 3D: Cosmetic Product Modeling, Lighting Course

Blender 3D: Cosmetic Product Modeling, Lighting Course

5 $
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  • 1 Monat Skillshare

    Mit einem Kauf erhältlich

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Über dieses Produkt

Having desire to create, light & render a cosmetic product?

Tired of long courses? Want something dead to the point?

Then this course is for you!

I have recently learned how to create and light cosmetic products, and I am here to share that knowledge with you. In roughly an hour of your time, you'll learn some of the most impactful pieces of information that took me years to accumulate. I look forward to seeing your final result! Do not quit.

What this course is about:

Modeling a serum bottle
Soft lighting
What you'll learn:

Modeling a serum bottle from scratch or from a reference photo
Creating liquid, and how to make it pop in your renders
Creating realistic glass, metal & other materials
Creating soft light panels for soft luxurious photographic lighting effect
Rendering & camera setup for cosmetic products

You need to be familiar with the interface
You need to know some very basic shortcuts
Willing to turn on some built-in addons

Häufig gestellte Fragen

  • Was sind digitale Produkte?

    Bei den digitalen Produkten von Skillshare handelt es sich um fachmännisch gestaltete Tools, Ressourcen und Vorlagen, die von den besten Kreativen entwickelt wurden und die dir zum Kauf zur Verfügung stehen. Mit einer breiten Palette an Ressourcen für jeden kreativen Bedarf sind sie einfach umsetzbar und machen deine Lernerfahrung real und unvergesslich.