Pro Notion Second Brain

Pro Notion Second Brain

49 $
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  • 1 Monat Skillshare

    Mit einem Kauf erhältlich

Der Kauf erfolgt über Superpeer, Teil der Skillshare-Familie.

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Über dieses Produkt

Organize Your Thoughts, Track Your Goals, and Complete Projects with This All-in-One Notion Template

a meticulously crafted workspace designed to streamline your life and supercharge your productivity. This versatile template offers a range of features to help you:

✔ Organize your thoughts and ideas: Capture and categorize your thoughts, notes, and research using the simple focus homepage.

✔ Plan, review, and track tasks: Manage your projects and daily tasks efficiently with the GTD dashboard.

✔ Build and maintain relationships: Store contact information, schedule meetings, and track interactions using the Contacts dashboard.

✔ Manage your finances: Track income, expenses, and savings with the Finance dashboard.

✔ Curate your knowledge: Store and access valuable information and resources in the Knowledge dashboard.

✔ Stay on top of your reading: Monitor and track your reading progress with the Reading Tracker.

✔ Reflect and journal: Document your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in the Journaling section.

✔ Mobile-friendly design: Access your workspace on the go and stay productive wherever you are.

What's included?
✔ GTD Dashboard
✔ PARA Dashboard
✔ Finance Dashboard
✔ Contacts Dashboard
✔ Knowledge Dashboard
+ Bonus:
✔ Habit Tracker
✔ Reading Tracker

Häufig gestellte Fragen

  • Was sind digitale Produkte?

    Bei den digitalen Produkten von Skillshare handelt es sich um fachmännisch gestaltete Tools, Ressourcen und Vorlagen, die von den besten Kreativen entwickelt wurden und die dir zum Kauf zur Verfügung stehen. Mit einer breiten Palette an Ressourcen für jeden kreativen Bedarf sind sie einfach umsetzbar und machen deine Lernerfahrung real und unvergesslich.