Halloween Clip Art + Patterns

Halloween Clip Art + Patterns

8 US$
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  • 1 mes de Skillshare

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Acerca de este producto

Pack of 50 Halloween clipart. High quality vector graphic elements. This collection includes vectors with Clipart and patterns. These Halloween graphics can scale to any size and change color!

Make your very own creations, such as stationery, signs, greeting cards, t shirts, mugs, scrapbooking projects, and more.

What's inside?


1 AI file with 50 vector graphics in the artboard
50 EPS file with 50 vector graphics in the artboard
50 SVG files with vector graphics
50 PNG files with vector graphics

1 AI file with 6 seamless patterns in the artboard
6 PNG files with seamless patterns (2000px x 2000px).
6 EPS files with seamless patterns (2000px x 2000px).

2 EPS files with A4 Poster

2 JPG files with A4 Poster

AI files are editable, you can change the color and scale to higher or lower size without loss of quality.

The images, text and mockups are not included, they are only used for the presentation of the product.

Preguntas frecuentes

  • ¿Qué son los productos digitales?

    Los productos digitales de Skillshare son herramientas, recursos y plantillas elaboradas por expertos y desarrolladas por los mejores creativos, que están disponibles para la compra. Con una amplia gama de recursos que se adaptan a todas las necesidades creativas, son prácticos y hacen que tu experiencia de aprendizaje sea real e inolvidable.