Adobe Photoshop Actions for Creating Pattern Repeats Previews

Adobe Photoshop Actions for Creating Pattern Repeats Previews

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Evgeniya & Dominic Righini-Brand

Evgeniya & Dominic Righini-Brand

Graphic Design & Photography

Create precise pattern repeats previews from any single pattern tile in one click in Adobe Photoshop!



Whether you need to create tiling previews for cataloging your surface patterns, for analysing your work-in-progress, for sharing your patterns on social media or including them in pitches, using actions instead of defining pattern swatches and creating pattern fills takes less time and effort, and results in having neat pattern previews.



Pattern Repeats Previews by Attitude actions set contains actions for converting single pattern tiles (created in Adobe Photoshop or exported from Adobe Illustrator, Procreate or any other app where you can create repeatable pattern tiles) 
into 4-up, 6-up (2x3 and 3x2) and 9-up pattern repeats previews.





— Actions set for Adobe Photoshop (.atn file) containing 21 actions;


— Terms of Use & Instructions PDF.

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