Notion Template Small Business Planner

Notion Template Small Business Planner

15 US$
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  • 1 mes de Skillshare

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Acerca de este producto

Sarah Bradley

Sarah Bradley

Making & Selling Vinyl Decal Classes

You will receive the following after purchase:

★1 PDF with a link to your Notion Template, and a link to an instructional video

You must have or open a Notion account in order to access this template.


★ The template your small business needs to plan content, keep track of finances, stay organized and to make sure your brand stays consistent!

★ Includes the following:
- Home page that includes a budget overview, Task List and Content Calendar
- Tasks and Goals page with Objectives and Key Results tracking, as well as a task list and project list section
- Brand Hub to keep all of your brand details in one place
- Finances section, to keep track of your budget, expenses and income
- Content Planner page - link all of your social media sites so you can plan your content ahead of time

★Also includes a link to an instructional video, for Notion Template beginners.

Preguntas frecuentes

  • ¿Qué son los productos digitales?

    Los productos digitales de Skillshare son herramientas, recursos y plantillas elaboradas por expertos y desarrolladas por los mejores creativos, que están disponibles para la compra. Con una amplia gama de recursos que se adaptan a todas las necesidades creativas, son prácticos y hacen que tu experiencia de aprendizaje sea real e inolvidable.