Blender 3D: Cosmetic Product Modeling, Lighting Course

Blender 3D: Cosmetic Product Modeling, Lighting Course

US$ 5
Desbloqueie e acesse
  • 1 mês de Skillshare

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Sobre este produto

Having desire to create, light & render a cosmetic product?

Tired of long courses? Want something dead to the point?

Then this course is for you!

I have recently learned how to create and light cosmetic products, and I am here to share that knowledge with you. In roughly an hour of your time, you'll learn some of the most impactful pieces of information that took me years to accumulate. I look forward to seeing your final result! Do not quit.

What this course is about:

Modeling a serum bottle
Soft lighting
What you'll learn:

Modeling a serum bottle from scratch or from a reference photo
Creating liquid, and how to make it pop in your renders
Creating realistic glass, metal & other materials
Creating soft light panels for soft luxurious photographic lighting effect
Rendering & camera setup for cosmetic products

You need to be familiar with the interface
You need to know some very basic shortcuts
Willing to turn on some built-in addons

Perguntas frequentes

  • O que são produtos digitais?

    Os produtos digitais da Skillshare são ferramentas, recursos e modelos criados por especialistas que estão disponíveis para compra. Com uma ampla gama de recursos para atender a todas as necessidades criativas, eles são acionáveis, tornando sua experiência de aprendizado real e inesquecível.