Procreate Oil Paint Brush Set

Procreate Oil Paint Brush Set

US$ 9
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  • 1 mês de Skillshare

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Sobre este produto

Gabrielle Brickey

Gabrielle Brickey

Portrait Artist -

Oil paint brushes and canvas textures for the iPad and Procreate App!

Enjoy these oil paint brushes for the Procreate App

What's Included:
+22 Oil Paint Procreate App Brushes
+2 Smudge Brushes
+17 Canvas Textures

*Do you want to create gorgeous, realistic oil paintings without the mess and lots of cleaning? Then this is the Procreate brush set for you!

These brushes were carefully and thoughtfully designed.

Many of these brush sources originate from REAL oil paint textures and brush strokes I created. You're going to love the realistic effects you can achieve with this set!

Two Smudge brushes make it so that you can easily blend colors.

Canvas textures will give your work that beautiful, oil painted feel. I've included 17 textures so you can play around and experiment with the finish.

Create realistic digital oil paintings with these custom brushes and canvas textures.

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