The Aligned Artist Yearly Planning Notion Dashboard
The Aligned Artist Yearly Planning Notion Dashboard

The Aligned Artist Yearly Planning Notion Dashboard

US$ 18
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  • 1 mês de Skillshare

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Sobre este produto

Shivani Patel

Shivani Patel

Gouache Artist | Creative Entrepreneur

The Aligned Artist Yearly Planner: A Simple Notion System for Creative Entrepreneurs

Turn your creative goals into reality with a no-fuss planning system that actually makes sense for artists. (No more abandoned planners or complicated setups!)

Watch a video walkthrough here!

Hey there! Remember all those times you started the year with big dreams for your art business, only to feel scattered and overwhelmed by March? Yeah, I've been there too.

That's exactly why I created this Notion template. After 3 years of trial and error (and many overcomplicated systems later), I've finally cracked the code on what artists actually need to stay organized without losing their creative spark. Here's exactly what you'll get:

  • Three thoughtfully designed sections - Business, Content, and Life - because your art business doesn't exist in a vacuum
  • A complete business strategy section to clarify your brand vision and set yourself up for growth
  • Year and quarterly planning that actually works - break down big goals into doable chunks and track your progress
  • Reflection prompts that go beyond basic questions, helping you learn from your experiences and make better decisions
  • Content planning that makes sense - set clear strategies for each platform instead of posting randomly and hoping for the best
  • A dedicated space for your personal dreams and life vision, because being an artist is about more than just business
  • And so much more...

Plus, you'll get instant access to a complete video walkthrough showing you exactly how to make the most of every feature.

The best part? It's simple enough that you'll actually stick with it. Because let's be real - even the fanciest planning system won't help if you abandon it after two weeks.

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  • O que são produtos digitais?

    Os produtos digitais da Skillshare são ferramentas, recursos e modelos criados por especialistas que estão disponíveis para compra. Com uma ampla gama de recursos para atender a todas as necessidades criativas, eles são acionáveis, tornando sua experiência de aprendizado real e inesquecível.