6 Food Desktop And Mobile Presets Lightroom, Food Photography

6 Food Desktop And Mobile Presets Lightroom, Food Photography

4 €
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À propos de ce produit



Creative Creator & Marketing

6 Food preset pack — a collection of 10 different presets created to give a vibrant and tasty look to your photos.

:::: INCLUDED ::::

→ 10 Lightroom presets for Lightroom MOBILE ( free mobile Lightroom app )
→ 10 Lightroom presets for Lightroom DESKTOP
→ Detailed Instructions
→ Instant Download
→ Presets can be used an unlimited number of times without further payments


✓ Aesthetic presets, perfect for Instagram

✓ Looks great on recipe, lifestyle and commercial food photography


→ Works with the Free & Paid Android and iPhone LR Mobile App

→ Works with Lightroom on Mac and PC

Keep in mind that each preset works differently with each photo, based on a variety of parameters like white balance, lighting and so on. If you have any questions, please contact me.


Resale, distribution, rental, giving, sub-licensing, or otherwise transferring presets or the right to use presets to anyone else is illegal and will result in legal action.
The pictures included in the download files are only meant for access of the presets.
Any other use is strictly forbidden and may constitute a violation of copyright, trademark, and other laws.


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    Les produits numériques de Skillshare sont des outils, des ressources et des modèles développés par des pros de la création et mis à votre disposition à l'achat. Avec un large éventail de ressources répondant à tous les besoins créatifs, ils sont exploitables, rendant votre expérience d'apprentissage concrète et inoubliable.