Wake Up: The Morning Routine That Will Change Your Life
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À propos de ce produit
Jeff Finley
Designer, Author, Coach
I woke up early for a year and put together everything I learned about happiness, habits, and personal growth into this product.
This book and supplemental content is about creating a specific morning routine geared toward self discovery, desires, goals, life purpose, happiness, and fulfillment. It goes over step-by-step how to use your mornings to carve out "me time" that you fill with enjoyable new habits.
I wrote this book as result of my own personal experience overcoming depression. I started waking up early to focus on myself and my well-being. I thought if I could just wake up early, I know I would fill it with good stuff. Waking up early was the most life-changing habit I ever did. It cleared the space for many other habits like meditation, journaling, exercise, and learning.
It is a VERY PRACTICAL book with using my own direct experience as an example. My typical dreamy or esoteric opinions are laced throughout this book, but it's also very down to Earth and "real-world."
This bundle includes the full eBook and audiobook plus a bunch of bonus content that I put together to make things easier for you to get started and stay inspired. It's got everything you need to establish the wake up early habit and begin your path to self-discovery and self-mastery. If you are serious about waking up early and changing your life, this is for you!
How You'll Benefit:
- Learn the exact steps I used to carve out a chunk of time to create your perfect morning ritual.
- Get inspired with 12 bonus videos highlighting the most important points
- Learn about all the resources and apps that I used to help me establish a consistent habit of waking up early.
- See what other early risers are doing in case studies and online communities.
- Inspiration to get you thinking about the bigger picture of your life. What is your life purpose? Why are you here on this planet now? Are you sleepwalking through life or are you actively creating the life you want?
Bonus Content:
- Case Studies & Interviews: Case studies with other early risers including a 37 minute interview with Hal Elrod, best selling author of The Miracle Morning. Lots of great insights!
- 12 Bonus Videos: 97 minutes of video content where I talk about waking up early, habit change, procrastination, life purpose, and more.
- 68 Journaling Prompts: When you’re stumped and need some inspiration! These suggestions will help self-awareness and uncover fears and blocks.
- Morning Routine Customizer: Use the Quick Start Guide (PDF) to create your perfect routine in minutes. Choose from popular self-growth habits and suggestions to get you started right away. Knowing your routine improves your likelihood that you will actually get up and stay up.
- Custom Alarm Ringtones: Three pleasant sounding musical ringtones I made that you can use on your phone.
Let's do this.
Waking up early helped me wake up to a truer version of myself. I was able to see evaluate my life with more clarity and focus in the mornings. I got in touch with my heart and discovered a deeper connection with my soul. Perhaps my story and methods can help you do that for yourself.
From the bottom of my heart, I hope this book inspires you and opens your eyes to the glorious possibilities of your own life. What would you do if you could wake up early?
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